Thursday, January 18, 2007

Blame me..blame you...

The students of the second year of Master of Business Administration at GIM batch after batch had one feature which was carried down as if through some inherited gene, with amazing precision... they all become lack lusture, lifeless and lethargic..... life suddenly for them, they seemed to start beleiving that ,is over or almost near to it.... studies become a mere ritual and so is other facets of life....

It was clearly not the pressures of management education that was the cause of this disease , for even in the first year they have the pressure and they enjoy was not the work load that came in the shape of cases and assignements, work books and log tables, balance sheets and brand report cards, for by second year they should be feeling comfortable with all that and not in the contrary.....

Not that any one in GIM was unduely perturbed over the glitch but that it was a reason why come December and before a new year dawns the fault finding mission started was of worry to atleast some .....

who is to blame for the issue which year after year looked impenetrable...?

A typical fault finding meeting starts like this....

Now again it is seen that the recruiters are of the opinion that students lack in general awareness, soft skills, and even grooming... said Dr Joy from his raised pedestal in the meeting room.

VC and ED sitting left and right as would the proverbial three monkeys ,shook their heads in complete agreement......

I should say...Prof Ram mumbled ...that the onus is on the faculty, who somehow somewhere is failing in their duties....

I should say...Said Dr Joy.... that the faculty should take he responsibility for this failure that they are facing...

Oh he changed the sentence....smiled Sukesh

But the idea remains the same... quiped Anand shankar

As a matter of fact we are planning certain changes in the way the faculty evaluation would hereafter be taking place.....went on the king

Evaluation...My goodness.. I never knew that they are doing anything of that name... commented Anand shankar

Students selection is the root cause and we dont need to do any research to know it...stood up Prof Ram, the outspoken... it is simple,we are trying to build palaces on pigwaste...

There was a stunned silence in the room.... It was this man who allways called the spade a spade, when others sat silently and even worse, nodding heads as the famous dolls of Tanjore would do.

Anand Shankar took it from there.... I have seen many girls and boys whom the first round panel have rejected, later sitting in the class... is it not a mockery..? before the faculty gets to teach them arent they given a message there that if you have the cheque ready we have the seat vacant for you?

But it is all happening everywhere ....stood up VC ,the chanakya..... how can we only be different and in any case the talent of faculty lies not in making the best the best again but the bad the you agree?

That was one of his aces, Subramaniam potti , the shrewd brahmin,knew that he will get some ye ye from the crowd and the division would be done...

Ditto it happened and heated debate followed after which there was more disagreement than agreement and the only agreement was that this was the 'classical chicken or the egg'question...

Dr Joy continued his monologue and at the end established that what he said was right and others (those who disagree) could search for other options.....

In a way that was entirely his own,he said.... Im a democratic leader...I believe in discussion....debates...disagreement..but then it is my baby and I have a dream for it... either you are with me in this journey or you are not....

It clearly was a ploy and this meeting was just a farce like many other meetings....

My mind says that something more is yet to come.. this is just test marketing... said Sukesh menon to Anand shankar making sure that the top brass have left..

Let them prostitute can go on giving chastity speech like this... retorted Anand shankar ... one day this man will stand exposed.thread bare.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very true and very familiar.