Tuesday, January 16, 2007

of credits and discredits....

The King had just arrived... Dr Joy was referred to in GIM as the King... to be honest to the man he had made this jump into education from alchohol business which was the families forte before they flew their flag high in education. His farsight,according to Prof Ram was worth appreciating...

Dr Joy had been to Delhi to woo ( read it as bribe) head honchos of AICTE in the capital city. Now for those who have not heard about that 5 letter word...... it is the hot bed of corruption,where all the technical education(and that includes management education and engineering along with a host of others) in this country are approved of and acceredited to. That in simple terms mean, that if you grease the Hindi bosses sitting in the Indira Gandhi Complex office in New Delhi, their pan coated holy teeth will sparkle and if they do not you cannot run anything which is "technical" education in this country.....

The Delhi visit and the Kings feats there was the hot topic of discussion that fine morning in the common seating area of the faculty room in GIM...( the faculty in GIM spends most of the time there having tea and gossiping, most of the time arguing about futile nothings, claiming how they would have run GIM if they were allowed to, assuming, ridiculing, sometimes with pain going to classes and most of the time planning for the week ends...The women never or rarely joined as they always had better things to do like discussing on a new saree design or a jewellery shop offer as seen on that days newspaper)....
Almost everyone was present as they were curious to know the outcome.....led by Dr Joseph,the Executive director or ED as he was called their anxiety knew no bounds .All said and done their survival depended on the number game.........

GIM wanted to be intaking another 60 or 120 students coming year thus making it the largest Bschool in this part of the country...

More numbers= more students=more fees=full coffers=happy Joy+ Jesus+ their family=Incriments for everyone.......


It was that dream equation that was driving the discussion over tea that morning...

He will make it... said Prof Ismail khan- the tough guy, the face of discipline, the dean of GIM

by hook or by crook.....said Prof Ram with a smile

you should not have called him a crook quipped the English professor Varghese mathew in his witty but cunning style...

Aha now you are putting your literature into my mouth.... said Prof Ram...

Now who are you all? what are you discussing about..? feigning ignorance entered the young ProfessorSukesh who was handsome and hence the hero of many a girls, was brainy and hence the hero of many a boys and because he was both a villain for many others.

mmmm come controversy and he will ask this.... said Prof Ram......

That is because I have a family my dear sir and unlike you I dont have bank balance, real estates and gold deposits....I live on this... retorted Sukesh

So what is the news? are we getting a big cake? ...... to ease the tension, some one asked....

Wait for Dr Joseph to return... he is there waiting outside the HO to see the king... said Prof Ismail as he stood up, probably getting reminded of the fact that some one above them ,through the camera was watching it all......
Leeladhar reddy had his father coming all the way from Andhra to meet the Gods at GIM. Mary anand was regularly attending classes and probably scratching some other hapless guys thighs, but Leeladhar was left languishing outside the HO in a vain attempt to see Dr Jesus- the director of GIM...every morning he will show up at 8 and wait...Jesus will appear all of a sudden ,go in to his room as if he is a horse and he is banned from side vision, get firmly saddled in the larger than life chair in his tech savvy, plush office which will put even Bill gates to shame, move in and out making Leeladhar reddy stand up and sit down, every time with a hope smiling at his face that he may be called in....tea will go in and empty cups will come out, guests will come and go, lunch will happen ,Jesus will dissapear through the lift and into one of his saloon cars into an' undisclosed location' as his secretary would sheepishly say after he has left...leeladhar would wait, in forever beleif that he would be called in anytime.....but in vain....after many days of this sordid drama, he was called suddenly by the secretary ,and as he woke up from his half slumber in the reception area ,trembling and shivering out of joy that atlast he is called in...

You have to bring your father and by tomorrow 9 am he should be here- pronounced the proud lady ( the priest has to be prouder than the Gods..Right?)

But madam.... fumbled Leeladhar..... can I not see Dr Jesus.... and tomorow.. my father is in Andhra... how can ...I ...god... madam...can ..?

That I dont know...Dr Jesus has instructed me to convey this to you and now you can go....Clarified Madam secretary...

Leeladhar walked out cursing his stars and the moments when he felt it is ok and even exciting to be caressed and cuddled by a girl, and when got caught in the class, his body couldnt come back to react and say a sorry and finish it there.... he still had a smile which Prof Joseph took as an act of defiance and shamelessness which landed him in the mess that he was in.......

What will I tell my father... and how will I come out of this quagmire..? was the question that bothered him.

Inside the HQ the celebrations had begun... the AICTE had almost cleared the proposal of a seat increase... Yes an inspection team would come, but then GIM has ' seen' many inspection teams in the past....

What is the big deal...? asked Dr Joseph as he broke the news in the faculty room...

( to be continued)