Sunday, January 28, 2007

the balance sheet..!!!

Sri laxmi, a newly appointed lecturer in the area of Marketing was at GIM that day and after joining, Dr Joseph told her that she would be lead into the class by Prof Anandalaksmi or AM as she was called ,in her capacity as the chairperson-Marketing area and be introduced to second year students.

I dont think she has that kind of confidence...AM confided with Dr Joseph as she sat in his chamber waiting for the bell to go on air, after which she could take the new damsel to start her life with the knowledge hungry crowd of the second year of MBA at GIM.

Even I dont...... told Dr Joseph in a hushed tone... but then it is VC's appointment and as usual even I had no say in the whole thing.... I was only told this morning....

ooh.... AM sat with an open mouth, as if it was through there that the news was going in...

And you know what......Dr Joseph was more than happy to feed her with more information...... Another four more are joining to 'boost the intellectual capital' as per VC but in fact to compensate the numbers which we have lost in the last two months.......

Ohh..numbers is a problem is it...? I thought with everyone in the HQ from Dr Joy in the list of Faculty send to AICTE, we were on the comfortable side.... whispered AM...

hahahahahaha....Dr Joseph laughed, in a way which was entirely his own and even the best student mimic of GIM could never copy it, with full perfection....

Sirrrrr.... came and called Jansi william,the faculty office secretary...

Yes please......said Dr Joseph, visibly unhappy for the abrupt end that he had to put to his syrupy chat with the gossipy lady ..

The bell will not work..there seems to be some problem if...... said Jansi in her usual curtailed style of speech......

The students of the Finance specialisation had a very peculiar problem.....

None of their faculty was permanant, mostly drawn for various companies locally and hence when others were in classes they dragged on in the awful canteen or in the students area and when others went back to hostels or with their girl/boy friends for some outing, they sat in classes pretending to be in love with all the jargons and high funda that flew left and right their heads but never into it...

And those faculty who joined as full timers either didnt knew what it meant when they joined and ran away in between( when they realised it) leaving their jobs ,leaving behind more names in the long list of faculty who quit GIM or simply continued defying all notions of student likeabilty being directly proportional to a faculty's survival and existence........

The game went on and so did Dr Subhajit Agarwal ,who was with GIM for the past 7 months much to the chagrin of the 'being taught' students of the Finance stream and to the delight of the Management for having employed some one who had the right people in Delhi .....

For the students he was a tragedy, they simply couldnt understand what he was talking about, not the hard finance, but the simple english....

For the faculty colleagues of his he was a comedy, they wanted some one to laugh at and about, and to proove their point that the HQ (of late) recruited with intentions other than teaching ability in mind....

For the business of business education he was a disgrace , for someone who has written 23 cases and published many a research papers, would look like an asset in paper but in practice he was an NPA... a non performing asset who soon ,for GIM was becoming a liability....